That's where Eclipse kicks in. With the CDT plug-in you can edit, compile and debug your C++ programs.
These are the required downloads (compiler, debugger and editor):
- MinGW and GDB installers from here (I've downloaded MinGW-5.1.3.exe from MinGW->Current section) and from here for the latter (I've downloaded gdb-6.3-2.exe from Snapshot section)
- EasyEclipse for C and C++ from here (I've downloaded release
After creating a C++ project in Eclipse you will notice that there is warning complaining that cygpath is not found, it's a benign warning since we're not using Cygwin to build programs.
Eclipse expects that g++, make and gdb executables to be in PATH, since I don't like to pollute the global PATH environment variable with MinGW executables I've created a "launcher" for Eclipse that adds MinGW to PATH before running Eclipse.
Here is the code (eclipse.js):
var program = "eclipse.exe";
// Add the arguments
for (var i = 0; i < WScript.Arguments.length; ++i)
program += " " + WScript.Arguments.Item(i);
var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
// Add mingw to path
var env = shell.Environment("PROCESS");
var path = "c:\\mingw\\bin;";
path += env("PATH");
env("PATH") = path;
// Execute the program and don't wait for completion
Copy the "launcher" to Eclipse directory (c:\Program Files\EasyEclipse for C and C++ and use it from now on to start Eclipse.
We need one more step to get everything to work, change the C/C++ build command from make to mingw32-make (or rename mingw32-make it to make in c:\mingw\bin, if you want the eclipse project to be crossplatform) like in the picture bellow:

That was all. Now we have a full C++ IDE. Now we can develop console applications or Win32 C GUI applications. For C++ GUI applications we can use the free (GPL) Trolltech Qt library.
Great tutorial! Thanks, Christian.
I am planning on having MinGW integrated into an EasyEclipse distribution later this year. Hopefully that will make getting this all set up a lot easier.
Woops, sorry for spelling your name wrong :( Thanks, again!
Great script, I have just a question since I'm not an expert of the windows scripting host object model:
the env object is destroyed after that you exit your eclipse session? I mean: If I launch again the script after an eclipse session, will this create another env object in memory or not?
Thanks in advance for the interests /Saverio, Italy
The script just launches Eclipse and exits. You can test this by adding a
MessageBox after Eclipse was launched:
WScript.Echo("Eclipse was just launched");
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