
New Updates to MFC in Visual Studio 2008

Here is an half an hour interview with Pat Brenner on the topic "New Updates to MFC in Visual Studio 2008".

A very informative movie, my favorite quote is "we kinda moved out from the '90s"!

And a quick summary:

What's new for MFC developers:
  • Ribbon

  • Customisable Menubar / Toolbar

  • Visual Studio 2005 like Docking

  • Tabbed MDI

  • New status bar

  • and many more

  • You can get a full visual tour on what's new on the Visual C blog entry.

    Here is a screenshot of MFC demo made by the Wizard:

    All this functionality is available now from 3rd party vendors, but this will be backed by Microsoft. Impressive!

    Edit MFC Update powered by BCGSoft as you can read here.

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