De curând am intrat în posesia unui telefon HTC Leo (zis și HTC HD2), telefon care are ca sistem de operare Windows Mobile 6.5.
Windows Mobile 6.5 nu poate afișa corect diacriticele românești, în special ș și ț cu virgulă. La introdus diacritice de la tastatură HTC HD2/Leo permite introducerea lui â, î, ş și ţ (varianta cu sedilă), dar lipsește ă.
Diacriticele se introduc după ce se ține apăsată tasta a, i, s, respectiv t, după care se aleg din meniul prezentat. În practică mie mi s-a părut destul de greoi să țin apăsată tasta și apoi să aleg din meniu.
Pentru a repara problema afișării diacriticelor am făcut un cab cu fontul Droid, font care este oferit de Google sub o licență care permite redistribuirea liberă. Fontul original Droid duce lipsa lui ț, am folosit o variantă modificată.
Pentru problema introducerii diacriticelor am făcut un cab cu modificări aduse aranjamentului de taste implicit (două fișiere xml, unul pentru modul portret și unul pentru modul peisaj). Diacriticele se introduc direct ținând apăsat tastele a, q, i, s, t.
Numerele și restul de simboluri care se introduceau în mod direct ținând apăsat tastele sunt accesibile din meniu. Am adăugat în mod implicit simbolul € pe tasta f, simbolul $ este accesibil din meniu.
Rezultatul se află în captura de mai jos:
Caburile se află aici:, respectiv Ar mai fi de menționat faptul că este necesar un restart al telefonului, că s-ar putea să meargă doar pe HTC Leo și că nu funcționează cu T9.
Edit Am făcut o nouă versiune de, versiune care nu mai are caracterul "â" și pe tasta "a" (în modul portret nu mai încăpea meniul pe ecran). De asemenea am inversat $ cu € pe tastatura numerică.
Spor la tastat.
DirectX Error Lookup
DirectShow is a COM based technology. COM uses for error reporting the (in)famous HRESULTs.
These HRESULTs are numbers like 0x80040227, but what do they mean? Visual Studio has a nifty MFC utility called "Error Lookup". But what happens if you lookup 0x80040227? "Message not found" pops up.
It seems that the DirectShow HRESULTs are out of reach for "Error Lookup". "Error Lookup" has a button named "Modules", maybe we can add the DirectShow HRESULTs there.
After adding "QUARTZ.DLL" in "Error Lookup" module list, 0x80040227 becomes "The operation could not be performed because the filter is in the wrong state." Sometimes the trick of adding quartz.dll doesn't work, then what?
DirectX has some nice error lookup functions named DXGetErrorString and DXGetErrorDescription, which give information about DirectX components and Win32 functions.
I have made a small tool called dxerr (source code here) which makes use of the two functions.
You might be tempted to use these two functions in your programs, but note that these functions might increase your binary with a couple of hundred kilobytes, and you need to have the DirectX SDK installed.
With the use of dxerr 0x80040227 has also a name: VFW_E_WRONG_STATE, which you might have found out by doing a Google search.
Here is a screenshot displaying "Error Lookup" and "dxerr".
After creating the "dxerr" tool I've found out that there is a tool named "DXErr.exe" in the DirectX SDK under "Utilities\bin\x86". I had no idea about that, but now that I know about it, it doesn't make a big difference :)
dxerr can be of use to those who do not have the DirectX SDK installed, to those who program with other programming languages than C++, or to those who program using C++ but with a compiler from a different vendor.
These HRESULTs are numbers like 0x80040227, but what do they mean? Visual Studio has a nifty MFC utility called "Error Lookup". But what happens if you lookup 0x80040227? "Message not found" pops up.
It seems that the DirectShow HRESULTs are out of reach for "Error Lookup". "Error Lookup" has a button named "Modules", maybe we can add the DirectShow HRESULTs there.
After adding "QUARTZ.DLL" in "Error Lookup" module list, 0x80040227 becomes "The operation could not be performed because the filter is in the wrong state." Sometimes the trick of adding quartz.dll doesn't work, then what?
DirectX has some nice error lookup functions named DXGetErrorString and DXGetErrorDescription, which give information about DirectX components and Win32 functions.
I have made a small tool called dxerr (source code here) which makes use of the two functions.
You might be tempted to use these two functions in your programs, but note that these functions might increase your binary with a couple of hundred kilobytes, and you need to have the DirectX SDK installed.
With the use of dxerr 0x80040227 has also a name: VFW_E_WRONG_STATE, which you might have found out by doing a Google search.
Here is a screenshot displaying "Error Lookup" and "dxerr".
After creating the "dxerr" tool I've found out that there is a tool named "DXErr.exe" in the DirectX SDK under "Utilities\bin\x86". I had no idea about that, but now that I know about it, it doesn't make a big difference :)
dxerr can be of use to those who do not have the DirectX SDK installed, to those who program with other programming languages than C++, or to those who program using C++ but with a compiler from a different vendor.
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